Installation, Repair and Maintenance of LED Streetlights in Municipal Corporation of Delhi (MCD).
Hiring of agency for providing laptop on Rental basis for NRC Cluster.
Hiring of Call Center Agency related to the Services of EESL.
Rate Contract for Hiring of agencies for Setting up of Service Centre for the Refurbishment of non-functional LED Street lights including supply of Spares (LED, Drivers, SPD, LED Panel, Glass, Body etc.) under MCD-SLNP.
Procurement of 0.8 Million Smart Meters for Bihar under Scaling up Demand – Side Energy Efficiency Sector Project.
Annual Rate Contract for Design, Manufacture, Testing and Supply of Induction Compatible Stainless Steel Utensils (SS) including Five (05) years Warranty to each for 55607nos. of Anganwadi Centers(AWCS) of Women Development & Child Welfare Department across 26 districts of Andhra Pradesh State under National Efficient Cooking Program (NECP) of EESL an initiative in line with Go-Electric Campaign GoI.
Rate Contract for Designing, engineering, supply, inspection, installation, testing and commissioning of Intelligent Flow Controller (IFC) for Compressed Air Network along with warranty for two years on Pan India Basis.
Rate Contract for supply of ~1,000 MWp Domestic Content Requirement (DCR) compliant crystalline 540 Wp and above Solar PV Modules across India.
Dismantling, Installation, Commissioning for 40,194 no’s of LED Streetlights and Repair & Maintenance of 1,33,133 no’s of LED Streetlights for a period of 03 years 10 months or till the project completion of respective ULB and other related works in 67 ULB’s project in the state of Telangana.
Refurbishment and Repair and Maintenance of CCMS along with comprehensive onsite warranty including supply of spares parts for a period until the project completion of respective ULB in Street lighting project in the state of Telangana.
Refurbishment & restoration for the revival of the solar plant with Operation and Maintenance for the remaining period up to 10 years of operation from the date of commissioning of the 48 sites of distributed solar plant of cumulative capacity 51.89 MWp in Maharashtra.
Zone Wise Rate Contract for Investment Grade Energy Audit (IGEA) for Buildings
Supply and Installation of Digital timers along with CCMS Spares like Contactors, MCBs, I/O Terminal Blocks, Single Core Copper Cable for operating existing CCMS units for a period of 8 months in GHMC.
Design, Engineering, Supply, Construction, Erection, Testing, Commissioning, Operation, and Comprehensive Maintenance Service Contract (CMC) of 12 years for up to 70 MW of Solar Power Generating System (SPGS) ranging from 2 MW to 10 MW at various locations in Maharashtra.
Hiring of Working Space Premises on Lease/Rent basis for 36 Months, at Guwahati, Assam.
Pre-Bid Tie up for Empanelment of Executing Agencies for Design, Supply, Installation, Testing, Commissioning with Comprehensive Maintenance Contract (CMC for 5 years) including Remote Monitoring System (RMS) of Smart Solar Street Light System on the identified existing electric pole under “Mukhyamantri Gramin Solar Street Light Yojana” in Bihar State prior to bid submission by EESL to BREDA.
Annual Rate Contract for supply of ~2,000 MW Single Phase Solar Inverters across India.
Dismantling, Installation (Retrofit), Commissioning, Repair and Maintenance of LED street lights for the period of 33 Months in Jammu Municipal Corporation in the UT of Jammu & Kashmir.
Rate contract for Designing, engineering, supply, inspection, installation, testing and commissioning and M&V of motor drive system with IE4 motor and VFD (wherever required based on loading/usage pattern) along with warranty for two years.
Hiring of agency for “Comprehensive Maintenance of Centralized Control & Monitoring System – CCMS for installed LED streetlights in the Municipal Corporation of Delhi for the period of 9 months extendable up to 6 months.
Rate Contract for Designing, engineering, supply, inspection, installation, testing and commissioning, of energy-efficient compressor air system with screw compressors, Integrated VFD, including measurement of parameters for compressed air delivery for performance assessment (Digital Monitoring of parameters) and IE4 motor along with warranty for two years.
Supply, Erection, Testing, Commissioning of Geo-thermal Heat Pump based Space Heating System at Primary Health Centre (PHC) Thiksey, Leh, UT of Ladakh with 2 years Comprehensive on-site Warranty.
Rate Contract to Design, engineering, supply, inspection, installation, testing and commissioning of Energy Efficient Turbo-Blower along with onsite warranty of two years on Pan India Basis.
Supply of 3 phase LV energy efficient induction motor (IE3) and after sales support including three-year comprehensive warranty from the date of supply for 0.75kW, 1.1kW, 1.5kW, 2,2kW, 3.7kW, 5.5kW, 7.5kW, 11kW, 15kW,18.5kW, 22kW, 30kW, 37kW, 45kW, 55kW, and 75kW rating IE3 motors.
Hiring of agency to conduct Impact Assessment Study for CSR Projects in EESL
Hiring of agencies for Setting up of Service Centre for the Refurbishment of non-functional LED Street lights including supply of Spares (LED, Drivers, SPD, LED Panel etc.) under MCD-SLNP.
Empanelment for an agency for carrying out the Statutory Labour Compliance applicable to EESL at PAN India Level
Hiring of agencies for AMC (Annual Maintenance Consultancy) services for the period of 9 months extendable up to 3 months for LED Street-lighting project under Municipal Corporation of Delhi (MCD).
Empanelment of Advocates/ Legal Advisors for representing and assisting Energy Efficiency Services Limited before various Courts/Tribunals etc.
Empanelment of Third –Party Inspection Agencies to carry out Pre-dispatch inspection of energy efficient appliances/equipment’s manufacturers premises on PAN India basis.
Annual Rate Contract for “Design, Manufacture, Testing and Supply of 100000nos. of Induction Cook stove/cooktop(IC) with Two (02) year Comprehensive on -site warranty on PAN India basis.
Procurement of Private Cloud Service (Data Centre & Disaster Recovery Centre) for hosting SAP and Non-SAP applications.
Design, Manufacture, Supply of 10,00,000 Nos. of 20-Watt LED Batten with 1.5 years’ warranty and other related works on Rate Contract basis for Pan India.
Design, Manufacture, Testing, Supply of 20,00,000 Nos. of 6-Watt BEE 5 Star LED Bulb with 1.5 years’ warranty and other related works on Rate Contract basis for Pan India.
Design, Manufacture, Supply of 20,00,000 Nos. of BEE 5 Star BLDC fans with 3 years and 3 months’ warranty and other related works on Rate Contract basis for Pan India.
Annual Rate Contract for Design, Manufacture, Testing and Supply 20000 nos. of Induction Cooktop (IC) with Two (02) years Comprehensive on-site warranty on PAN India basis.
Supply of 3 phase LV energy efficient induction motor (IE3) and after sales support including three-year comprehensive warranty from the date of supply for 0.75kW, 1.1kW, 1.5kW, 2,2kW, 3.7kW, 5.5kW, 7.5kW, 11kW, 15kW,18.5kW, 22kW, 30kW, 37kW, 45kW, 55kW, and 75kW rating IE3 motors.
Annual Rate Contract for Design, Manufacturing, Supply, Testing & Commissioning of CCMS with up to 7 years comprehensive Warranty on site (including supply of Spares parts on site during warranty periods) with Repair & Maintenance until the warranty period of 22,135 nos. of CCMS on PAN India basis.
Empanelment of Energy Efficient Technology Providers (EETP)
Empanelment for an agency for carrying out the Statutory Labour Compliance applicable to EESL and CESL at PAN India Level.
Annual Rate contract for the procurement of 11.53 Lakhs LED Street Lights under SLNP for Design, Manufacture, Testing and Supply having Comprehensive Warranty up to 07 Years on PAN India basis through Open tendering.
EESL Tender for Hiring of Working Space Premises on Lease/Rent basis for 22 Months, Salt Lake Sector V Kolkata.
Hiring of agencies for Organization of Awareness Workshops (4+4+1) for RAC Dealers & other relevant stakeholders under the HPMP Stage II Tranche 2 Program.
Hiring of Services for engaging Certification body for obtaining Integrated Management System (IMS) Certification
Hiring of General Insurance Companies (Licensed and Registered with IRDA) dealing with Health Insurance for implementation of EESL’s MEDICAL POLICY on PAN India basis
Design, Engineering, Supply (except Solar PV Module Supply), Construction, Erection, Testing, Commissioning of Grid Connected roof-top Solar Power Generating System (SPGS) with a period of 5 years system comprehensive warranty for a cumulative capacity of 120 kW (Without Operation and Maintenance) at PGCIL rooftop premises/space in the State of Uttar Pradesh
Emergency Inverter LED Bulb -UJALA
Hiring of Agency for House-Keeping Services
Dismantling, Installation (Retrofit), Commissioning, Repair and Maintenance of LED Street lights in Srinagar Municipal Corporation (SMC), Jammu & Kashmir.
Supply and Installation of Fully Automatic Fresh Milk and Pure Arabica Beans Coffee Machine with Manpower and Material for a Period of One (01) Year
Hiring of agency for website design, development, implementation, integration, Go-live and support of demonstration of energy efficiency project(DEEP) of EESL.
Hiring of agency for Design Manufacture and Supply of BEE 5 star rated Energy Efficient Ceiling Fan BLDC Technology.
Hiring of Agency for Application Maintenance and Support related services for ERP –SAP Solution at EESL
Design, manufacture, testing, supply, transportation and up to 7-year warranty of Industrial Lights (Flameproof & Non-Flameproof LED lights, Indoor Lights Outdoor Lights etc.) on PAN India Basis
Procurement of Cloud Service (Data Centre & Disaster Recovery Centre) for hosting SAP and Non-SAP applications for 5 years.
Procurement of 24MWp Poly Crystalline Solar PV Module (330 Wp and above) for the State of Maharashtra.
Procurement of 2.4 Million Smart Meters for Pan India under Scaling up Demand Side Energy Efficiency Sector Project
Hiring of Agency for conducting Investment Grade Energy Audit (IGEA) of domestic pumps (175 Nos.) installed at Eastern Coalfields Limited (ECL), Asansol, West Bengal.
Design,Manufacture, Supply,Testing, Installationof LED Street Light andIDC Material (includingTransportation, loading & Unloading)suitable todevelop dedicatedStreet Lightsphase wireinfrastructure inULBs of Odisha State under SLNP alongwith 4-yearon-site warranty &maintenance of the Developed Infrastructure.
Supply, Installation, configuration, testing and commissioning of Network setup in EESL.
Design, supply, erection, commissioning and testing of Divided Blast Cupola (TERI Type) with one-year comprehensive warranty for Howrah cluster.
Hiring an Agency for handling EESL’s Public Relations (PR) Portfolio.
Design, Manufacture, Testing & Supply along-with 2 years’ comprehensive warranty of different type of Industrial LED lights (Indoor, Outdoor LED Lights) in Govt. Dept./PSUs/Other Customers.
Design Manufacture Supply Testing Installation along with 1-year on-site warranty & maintenance including Transportation and loading of IDC Material suitable to develop dedicated street lights phase wire infrastructure in Moradabad ULB of Uttar Pradesh State under SLNP.
Repair and Maintenance of LED Street Lights for period of 82 months in Municipal Corporation Abohar Punjab.
Empanelment of Independent NABL Accredited Laboratories for testing of LED Street Lights, LED Flood Lights, Industrial Lights, Building Lights, LED Flame Proof Lights, LED Bulbs, Tube Lights, Air Conditioners and Energy efficient ceiling fans as per technical specifications of EESL.
Design, supply, erection, testing & commissioning of billet heater with two-year comprehensive AMC and warranty for Ludhiana cluster.
Design, supply, erection, commissioning and testing of Micro-turbine with one-year comprehensive warranty for Surat (Textile).
Design, Supply, Installation & Commissioning along-with 2 year Comprehensive AMC of IoT based Energy Management System.
Conducting Evaluation & Impact Assessment of Atal Jyoti Yojana on PAN India Basis.
Hiring of agency to provide e-tendering solution for carrying out EESL tender/auction activities.
Hiring of Agency for Application Maintenance and Support related services for ERP –SAP Solution at EESL.
Hiring of Agency for ‘’Face Recognition System with Thermal Scanning in EESL on PAN India basis for Attendance.
Supply, Installation, configuration, testing and commissioning of Network setup in EESL
Hiring of Agency for ‘’PRI and Toll Free for Call Centre of EESL.
Design, Manufacture, Supply, Testing, Installation along with the 1-year on-site warranty & maintenance including Transportation and loading of IDC Material suitable to develop dedicated street lights phase wire infrastructure in Moradabad ULB of Uttar Pradesh State under SLNP
Empanelment of Technology manufacturers/ System integrator for supply, installation and commissioning of technology.
Hiring of DIC Agency for installation of LED Lamps, LED Tube lights and BEE 5 star labelled BLDC ceiling Fans under work order from PEDA (Punjab Energy Development Agency) in 6 Govt. Medical Colleges & Hospitals in the state of Punjab.
Design, Manufacture and supply of One Lakhs LT and HT galvanized iron clamps with accessories under Smart Meter National Programme – Haryana
Hiring of agency for implementation of the CCMS Analytics tool for EESL.
RFP for One time Transportation of streetlight equipment across various locations in West Bengal.
Hiring of agency for implementation of the Financial Analytics Solution for Energy Efficiency Services Limited (EESL)
Registration/Enrolment of Demand Aggregators” for orders related to LED Street Light under Uttar Pradesh Gram Panchayat LED Street Light Project across 75 districts in the state of Uttar Pradesh.
Rate contract for Manufacture & Supply of PNG Cookstove (Qty.6,000 nos. of 2 Burner Glass Top and 4,000 nos. of 3 Burner Glass Top) on PAN India basis
Empanelment of agencies for carrying out Field Survey, Dismantlings (Retrofitting), Installation, Commissioning, Repair and Maintenance of CCMS (Centralized Control and Monitoring System) on Cluster basis
Empanelment of Agencies for Carrying out Investment Grade Energy Audit in Industries (MSME and large scale), Municipalities, Commercial Buildings etc. on PAN India basis.
Domestic Competitive Bidding (DCB) for Procurement, Supply, Installation, of LTCTs along with enclosure for New Delhi Municipal Council (NDMC)
Design, Manufacture, Testing, Supply including Transportation with 3 years Comprehensive On-site Warranty of LED Drivers & Surge Protection Device (SPDs) suitable to Existing LED Street Lights of different Brands and other related works on PAN India basis under Street Lighting National Program (SLNP)
Rate Contract for Supply, Installation and Commissioning of laptops.
Hiring of CAB services for EESL Kolkata
Purchase, fitment, wheel balancing, wheel alignment and replacement/purchase of 255 numbers of MRF/APOLLO/JK TYRES/GOODYEAR/ BRIDGESTONE make tyres for Mahindra- eVerito and Tata Tigor EV Sedan.22/04/2021 to 29/04/2021
Tender Enquiry for Appointment of District Level Distribution Agency (DLDA) to supplement the Distribution of UJALA Appliances consisting of LED Bulbs, LED Tube Lights and Fans in the State of West Bengal at pan India distribution rates | Last Date for Submission of Empanelment documents dated 03.09.2020
Amendment-3 dated 19.08.2020 | Ref: EESL/kol/2020/Empanelment/Solar PV/62G-A-Amdt. 3
Amendment-3 dated 19.08.2020 | Ref: EESL/kol/2020/Empanelment/Solar PV/62G-A-Amdt. 3
Amendment-2 dated 14.08.2020 Ref: EESL/kol/2020/Empanelment/Solar PV/62G-A-Amdt. 2
Revised Amendment-1 Dated 12.08.2020 Ref: EESL/kol/2020/Empanelment/Solar PV/62G-A-Amdt. 1
EOI – Empanelment of Solar Survey Agencies | Empanelment Reference No.: EESL/kol/2020/Empanelment/Solar PV/ 62GA dated 03.08.2020 | Last Date for Submission of Empanelment documents dated 24.08.2020
RFP for price matching for selection of agencies for providing drivers for electric vehicles. NIT/Bid Document No: EESL/KRO/2020-21/EV/01 Date: 13.07.2020 | Last date of submission of bids are: 23.07.2020 at 03:00 P.M
Empanelment of agencies for Dismantling, Installation (Retrofit), Commissioning, Repair and Maintenance of LED Street Lights for period of 2 years in Eastern Region [extension of QR submission date as 27th May 2020, by 4:30 pm hrs]
Supply and installation OFFICE FURNITURE of reputed brand with comprehensive warranty of 5 years for NEW office in the state of Jharkhand
EESL/KRO/2019-20/Cab Tender
Hiring Taxi Vehicles for SOLAR & Lightening Projects in Maharashtra State
Empanelment of Agencies as per Pre-Qualification Methodology for Building Energy Efficiency Program in West Bengal & NE States (Assam, Arunachal Pradesh, Meghalaya, Manipur, Nagaland, Tripura, Mizoram)
Expression of Interest for Empanelment of Installation Agencies for Building Energy Efficiency Program in the State of Maharashtra & Goa
EOI for selection of strategic partners in Thailand.
Expression of Interest for Empanelment of Technical Consultant for undertaking Land Acquisition & Necessary Clearance for setting up Solar PV Based Project in the State of Maharashtra.
Local procurement at West Bengal (Kolkata Regional Office)
Empanelment of Advocates 2019
The EOI for Nagpur office